- Pay attention to the weather.
- Gulf storms can be a surprise.
- Never underestimate Mother Nature.
- Buy flood insurance, especially if you are near a waterway or in a first-floor apartment.
- Have a disaster plan.
- Disaster plans need to be reviewed and updated periodically.
- Have shelf-stable food in your home.
- Store extra drinking water.
- Keep a flashlight and batteries readily available.
- Keep cash in your house.
- Keep an emergency kit at the office and in the car.
- Have more than one way to purchase items – cash, check, and charge.
- Having more than one kind of credit card is good.
- Don’t store unprotected valuables in a basement.
- Hospitals are not immune from disaster.
- Back up computer files periodically and keep them separate from the computer.
- Cell phones don’t always work when land lines don’t.
- Be creative in finding alternative communication methods.
- Use stairs instead of elevators during storms.
- Don’t drive into flooded roadways.
- Even 18-wheelers can float.
- Water and electricity don’t mix.
- Don’t walk along a flooded waterway.
- Be creative in finding solutions to problems.
- An inch can make a difference.
- A positive attitude makes all the difference.
- A disaster can be turned into an adventure.
- Work together.
- There are many ways to help.
- People are basically good.
- Sometimes, everything you can do is not enough.
- It isn’t over when it stops raining.
- It isn’t over when the water recedes.
- Don’t wait to prepare.
Simply Prepared with CFD Publications
Because preparedness simplified is more achievable
Simply Prepared with CFD Publications
Because preparedness simplified is more achievable