

Copy pages of playing cards and answer sheets onto paper or cardstock. Mount the pages on light-weight cardboard or laminate them for increased durability. Cut pages of cards into individual cards.


Play as individuals or form teams.

Mix up the cards and place them in one stack face down.

The youngest player, or the team with the youngest player, starts play. The player or team draws one card, reads it aloud, and answers it. Correct answers can be found by number on the answer sheets. Correct answers receive 5 points. The turn continues until a question is answered incorrectly or until three questions have been answered correctly. Play then continues in a clockwise direction.

Some questions have bonus questions which may be attempted when a question is answered correctly. If the bonus question is answered incorrectly, the player/team may still play the next card, unless the bonus question came with the third correctly answered question. Bonus questions answered correctly give the player/team an additional 5 points.

Blessing cards give the player/team 5 points without having to answer a question. Blessing cards count as 1 of 3 correctly answered questions.

The first player/team to reach a predetermined number of points is the winner.